Leadership at CCC

  • Pastor Keith Booth

    Keith has been a resident of San Jose most of his life. He graduated from Gunderson High School in 1984 and did his undergraduate studies in economics and psychology at U.C. Davis. After coming to a saving grace during his undergraduate studies, Keith received his teaching credential in 1992 and taught for two years at Cupertino High School and eleven years at DeAnza Community College. He received his masters from Gateway Seminary, and his doctorate from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. At 35, Keith was called by the members of CCC to serve as their lead, teaching pastor. He has been preaching and teaching God's Word at CCC for over twenty years. He is married to his elementary school sweetheart, Laurie, and together they have three adult sons, Kirk, Brandon, and Joshua, and five grandchildren. You can reach him at pastorkeith@lovinglord.org

  • Pastor KIRK BOOTH

    Kirk was raised and baptized at Christ Community Church. Growing up, Kirk heard the Scriptures taught and preached, and he professed faith in Christ at a young age. When he was in college, he started pursuing God through His Word with greater seriousness. Kirk’s desires changed from other career interests to serving in full-time ministry. He completed his bachelor's degree in Small Business Administration from Northern Arizona University and worked at Chase, Charles Schwab, and Fidelity Investments. In 2020, Kirk was called by the members of CCC to serve as a pastor. He received his Master of Divinity degree through The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to his wife Sarah and together they have three children, Abigail, Elizabeth, and Elijah. You can reach him at pastorkirk@lovinglord.org